This Land is Made for Golf

The Wall Street Journal recently highlighted something that Nebraskans have known for a long time - Nebraska was made for golf!

Wall Street Journal: This Land is Made for Golf

Now, I am the first to admit that I don't golf. However, once I found out about the early morning Bloody Mary's that accompany golf, I was on board, at least as a cart driver!

We are so fortunate here in Sutherland. Though we are a very small town, we have a beautiful nine hole course just five miles south of town on the shores of the beautiful Sutherland Reservoir, which is a superb recreation area in its own right.

Below you can see what a nine-hole round of golf is like on the Oregon Trail Golf Course - in about 20 seconds. We recently enjoyed the beautiful Bayside Golf Course on the shores of Lake McConaughy. Their website is fairly annoying, but trust me, it is a beautiful course to play. They have stay and play packages with some of the cabins and condos they own. We'd love to go there for a weekend and play again and again.

Below is an eighteen-hole round of golf - with five people! It takes a little longer than the quick round shown above: Intrigued about Nebraska golf? Check out all of the golfing options on the Nebraska Tourism website. You'll find top-rated public courses that anyone can enjoy!


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