Happy New Year!

Since I'm kind of informally re-committing to my blog for 2013, I would be remiss if I didn't start the first day of 2013 with a blog post, so here it is.

2012 definitely didn't turn out like I had planned. On July 13, after a slight miscalculation of the landing zone for a jump off a bridge into the North Platte River, I broke my left heel. Shattered, in fact. Eight screws and a titanium plate were installed a couple weeks later, when the swelling finally went down enough for surgery. I spent the next three months 100% non-weight bearing, and have been slowly recovering since then.

I finally started walking without a cane near Thanksgiving, and I currently have only a slightly noticeable limp. The pain level is finally where I thought it should have been about two months ago, so there is progress being made.

For some reason, during the first months of my convalescence, I didn't feel like blogging, even though all I was doing was sitting in a recliner with my foot elevated on pillows. I hope to do better in 2013.

I've made a good start to the year so far - got all of the 2012 Christmas decorations down and I have my calendar updated.

What does the rest of the year hold? My bio-daughter is expecting her first child in May, so I'm looking forward to a month in California. My youngest bio-son has put an offer in on a house here in Sutherland, so we might be empty-nesters here again soon.

I've started a new series here on the blog - Sunday Stories, published as you may imagine, each Sunday. The stories are taken from the rural Nebraska community history books that I've collected. I am continually amazed at the perseverance of these amazing people who have lived in our communities in the past. Their stories make me more grateful for what I have, but also more determined to live my life with as much courage as they showed in their lives.

I hope to have lots of adventures to share with you throughout the coming year here in the Nebraska Outback.

So, Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by on this first day of the year. The coffee's always on.


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