Irish Beer Finder
There's nothing like a smooth Irish Stout and some friendly waitstaff to enjoy the craic with after a long day on the road. That's exactly what we found at the Carraig within seven miles of our hotel in Tinley Park, Illinois. Fortunately our Magellan took us right to the front door.

Chicago Gaelic Park was established over 25 years ago with the purpose of promoting and fostering of Irish culture, music and sports within the Irish & Irish-American community. With tremendous grassroots support, it has exceeded all expectations and continues to grow.
It was a little late when we got there, so we didn't have much time to look over the facility, but from what we saw, it is something to be proud of. The Carraig has Murphy's Irish Stout and Smithwick's on tap, and delicious Irish comfort food.
We also found that this weekend is the 2010 Irish Books Arts & Music celebration at the Irish American Heritage Center in Chicago. Sadly, our plans don't call for a weekend in Chicago.
We've seen some beautiful country on this trip so far. All through Iowa, Illinois, and now Indiana we've seen beautiful scenery and beautiful farmsteads. I know they don't do it particularly for the travelers on I-80, but it's great to see these well-kept farmsteads with their picturesque old barns and silos. Now the trees are closing in and we don't see much past the road right-of-way, with the trees nearly bereft of leaves, and occasional signs tempting us to take a detour to an attraction.
Now we're back on the road again, on Interstate 80 on our way to Pittsburgh, through intermittent rain under heavily overcast skies. Heard it's going to get way cold back in Nebraska tonight. Brrr, winter surely is set on coming whether we like it or not.
Thanks for stopping by. The coffee is always on.
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