Getting Tanked in Nebraska

Like any outdoor adventure, tanking involves prior planning and organization. The guys are in charge of the tank and the coolers. It's really a team event.
And they're in charge of getting the tank launched into the river.

And the ladies are in charge of overseeing it all! We each take our jobs seriously, and we seriously have a lot of fun!

Once on the water, the only thing anyone is in charge of is relaxing and having fun!
There are lots of little creatures to encounter along the way.

And lots of great scenery to bask in.

The beautiful Nebraska sunset greeted our trek home.
And then, we had to wait for the inevitable train.
We had two tanking trips this weekend, one on Friday evening and one on Sunday afternoon. Slightly different group of friends each time, but there is nothing like sharing a leisurely float on a river to get acquainted.

We did get an inside report that the river water had dropped between Friday and Sunday, and what a difference that made! We all got our workout on Sunday portaging over the sand bars. We never actually had to carry the tank, but even a tank needs more than an inch or two of water to float.

Ah well... it's all good on a summer afternoon on the river.

So where are you and what are you doing? Wanna get tanked? Or just come up with your own way to have fun. Get together with some friends and go and do.

Thanks for stopping by. The coffee is always on.


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